Arthurian Selection Redux: Who Would Pull the Pod from the Stone?

Legend has it that when the 12th century English monarch Uther Pendragon died there was significant disagreement over who would succeed him. The wizard Merlin magically set a sword in a great stone. Engraved on the sword were the words “Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone is the rightwise born king of all England.” All the rich and famous tried and failed to extract the sword. Arthur, not the front-runner by any means, surprised everyone by succeeding, and thus became King.

Pod in the Stone

I propose a similar contest, updated and modernized, to decide who will be the next leader of the free world. This could offer many advantages, including but not limited to saving time, money, media bandwidth and avoiding having to parse hanging chads. Any support out there? Any notion who might be the ordained one? Hint: Looks good wearing ear buds.